Welcome to the Wetaskiwin PCN!
We are part of your Patient Medical Home. Primary Care Networks (PCNs) bring local physicians and other health care professionals together to provide comprehensive patient care to Albertans. PCNs are comprised of groups of family physicians working with other health care professionals such as Nurses (Chronic Disease, Foot Care, Prenatal, Women’s & Teen Health focus), a Registered Dietitian, Social Worker, and Behavioral Health Consultant.
PCNs develop solutions to meet the needs of the local community and their health issues. The Wetaskiwin PCN supports the local community.
PCNs exist through an agreement between physicians and Alberta Health Services. Please note that PCNs are not a governing body to physicians; the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta regulates the practice of medicine in Alberta.
Our Vision: Providing excellence in patient care through collaboration, cooperation & multidisciplinary teamwork